This is the Message Centre for ^Made^in^Heaven^

hi babe

Post 1


hiya donna smiley - smiley would you like to have a chat to a 36 male liverpool? smiley - rose

hi babe

Post 2


Hiya..xx smiley - smiley

How are you?

Thanx for your message, chatting would be nice smiley - biggrin May i ask you your name plz hun?

smiley - angel donna..xx

hi babe

Post 3


hi donna smiley - smiley thanks for your
message my names phil and im pleased to meet you smiley - love phil smiley - rose

hi babe

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

ahem Brookside h2g2 is not a dating agency!

Hi Donna

hi babe

Post 5


i dont understand your message

hi opti

Post 6


Hiya opti smiley - smiley

smiley - laugh h2g2 isnt a dating agency, but it is a place for friendly chit-chat,etc

hi babe

Post 7


Very nice to meet you too phil

Hope you are good?

Speak soon smiley - love Take Care

smiley - angel donna..xx

hi babe

Post 8


i didn't say it was so wots your excuse then sm@rt @rse???

hi babe

Post 9



You talking to me or opti?

hi babe

Post 10


hi donna whos opti when hes home lol? i know this is not a dating agency im just chatting thats all hun smiley - love phil xxx smiley - rose

hi babe

Post 11


hi donna whos opti when hes home lol? i know this is not a dating agency im just chatting thats all hun smiley - love phil xxx smiley - rose

hi babe

Post 12


Morning Phil smiley - love

i avnt a clue who opti is, it was opti being a tad nosy me thinks, thats why i said its a place 4 chit-chat coz thats all you was doing was chatting.

Hope ur well Speak soon

smiley - angel donna

hi babe

Post 13


hi donna smiley - hugs smiley - ta for your message smiley - smiley so hows your day been? my days been smiley - ok i missed chatting you up though lol lets see if he answers this message lol anyway i hope your keeping well my darlin and ill chat soon smiley - love phil smiley - rose xxxx

hi babe

Post 14


Hiya Phil smiley - smiley

My days been smiley - ok i suppose,just work and the usual boring things,i'm wishing it was friday already smiley - biggrin
Glad your smiley - ok phil,and hopefully we'll get 2 chat soon. For now i'll be saying "Goodnight" coz im abit smiley - sleepy gotta be up at 5.30am smiley - sadface

Speak soon smiley - love Take care

smiley - angel donna..xx

P.S, Hmmmm wonder if opti will pop in 4 a nosey?? Just incase he does... Hello opti

hi babe

Post 15

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Don't trust this lad Donna, cos he picks up the women and then dumps them.
I hope you live far away hun, cos you will be a victim too the way i was.
So don't trust him at all, just ask Abbi and Sal they will tell you.
Anyway i hope that you take note, cos he is a bad man.
I am Natalie by the way.

Phil why don't you go to a dating agency, cos this isn't one.
So go on and get a life, cos you need one desperately.

hi babe

Post 16

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Don't trust this lad Donna, cos he picks up the women and then dumps them.
I hope you live far away hun, cos you will be a victim too the way i was.
So don't trust him at all, just ask Abbi and Sal they will tell you.
Anyway i hope that you take note, cos he is a bad man.
I am Natalie by the way.

Phil why don't you go to a dating agency, cos this isn't one.
So go on and get a life, cos you need one desperately.

hi babe

Post 17


Hiya Natalie,

Just read the msg you left me, So i'm guessing you know Phil on a personal level (if thats right word) Thanx for your concern hun but dont worry all it is, is chit-chat, im already a victim smiley - laugh to my lovely fiance smiley - loveblush.
Thanx for ur message,

Take care smiley - love donna smiley - angel

hi babe

Post 18


hello donna plz dont pay attention of anything you hear on here ive got my own thoughts also theres 2 sides 2 a story also im not chatting you up only chatting
and making some friends thats all
i got a email of natalli this morning and it wasn't very nice at all ive got a sick mother here
she hasn't been very well for the past 5 yrs so i dont need this donna when my mother saw wot she wrote also my 11 year old nephew kieran :o( its disgusting im smiley - sorry for dragging you into this donna but shes starting all this also she shouldn't be nosey and keep out of my chat stream with you so plz understand im not
chatting you up at all i told you that not so long ago like you said its only a chit chat thats all anyway if you dont want to chat anymore thats smiley - ok donna take care phil :o(

hi babe

Post 19


Morning Phil, im gonna have 2 make this a very brief message coz im using the remote to write this (batteries gone in my keyboard smiley - sadface)
There is 2 sides 2 every story,but wot has gone on in the past with you and natalie isnt really any of my business, i'll form my own opinions of ppl and to me you both sound like nice ppl.Of course im still gonna continue chatting 2 you phil.

Im gonna leave it there now coz this remote is making my hand ache, Speak soon smiley - rose

smiley - angel donna..xx

hi babe

Post 20


hiya donna smiley - smiley thanks for your message hun i dont want to even chat about her shes a nobody and doing her best to mess things up with me and other people on here so i think thats nasty :o( anyway ive got better things to do like watching paint dry lmao anyway my days been great today ive been everywhere in the car with by brother and my mother bought a new microwave oven its quite nice she bought it in kwiksave we also took a nice drive to brookside close it feels strange when there not filming there now its very sad though with being on for 21 yrs :o( i use to watch that alot anyway donna ill send this and thanks for still chatting to me because you seem like a sound girl so take care and ill chat soon smiley - love phil smiley - rose xxx

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