This is the Message Centre for boxing-baboon

Hello BB hows you

Post 1


Hello BB how are you doing Do you remember a post was a external link that got yikest..something about the mods felt uncomfortable with it not sure if this helps any its a recent conversation where your post that got yikest was mentioned

Hello BB hows you

Post 2

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Oooops Hello ive just been checking my old space and noticed this post from you,
Im smiley - sorry im not quite sure of what u are meaning .

Hello BB hows you

Post 3


smiley - laughthats smiley - ok

smiley - ermNot sure myself now it dosent matter smiley - smiley

Hello BB hows you

Post 4

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Thats smiley - okthen
Hows things with you??

Hello BB hows you

Post 5


smiley - ermnot to bad inbertween jobs at the moment had enough of nights and they wasnt giveing me my hollidays so i thoughtsmiley - bleepthis for a laugh smiley - smileybut my health is good smiley - rofl

how about you

Hello BB hows you

Post 6

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Im great thankssmiley - smiley so you using your spare time to be on H2 more ??

Hello BB hows you

Post 7


well not realy more looking for anothother job i do get a bit more time to be online tho smiley - smiley

Hello BB hows you

Post 8

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Nice i like this site alot.ive not been on as much of late.But i do try and come on as much as possible.

Hello BB hows you

Post 9


smiley - ermno i havent mostly 30min at a time then back to monster looking for a jobsmiley - smiley

Hello BB hows you

Post 10

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

good i hope you find work soon,did you go? or did you watch Bradford Bulls lastnight?

Hello BB hows you

Post 11


ooo yes i was there on fri night what a fantastic game i was a bit worried tho i watched them two weeks before against huddersfield at the galfarm and i thought they was a bit all over the place realy no shape i thought we might get well and truely thrashed

thinking about it i think nobel was trying different formations and different plays and thing they would try on the night did you watch it did you hear booing smiley - laugh thats becouse there was rhinos in our stand and they triping up and down and every time they did our stand give them some stick me and my mate included

smiley - laughdo you watch australian rugby leauge you know there theam tune thats my thats my thats my game they tryed to get us to chant it at half time and our stand was not haveing non of it we was chanting we hate rhinos we hate rhinos they gave up after 5min smiley - rofl

Hello BB hows you

Post 12

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Thats good im glad you won british teams can beat aussie teams on our own soil thats for sure.
do you think the bulls will win the super league again?I do think the rules are stupid though,i mean even if you win the league u have to go into play offs,i suppose its all about smiley - 2cents

Hello BB hows you

Post 13


well not realy team GB didnt do well enough in the test altho the new zeland and australian team play a game before that starts becouse there season finishes early so new zeland play australia at home then away which i dont realy think is that fair becouse at that stage we are only picking our team and dont have time to have any warm up games and if there is injury there might be a newish team thats haveing to bond

If you look at the australian team dont think its changed that much year in year out so every one in there team knows every one elses strengths and weeknesses

if the team who played west tigers play week in week out yes i realy do think we have a dam good shot at winning it the defence was nothing less than awsome

when you win the leauge and come top you get the leauge leaders shield so they dont get nothing for it but yes i would say that it was the money aspect the ticket prices for the final if you team make it are about £19-£50 so yes i think revinue from that has a part to play seen bulls and leeds and other fans from different clubs sold out old trafford which isnt a small stadium at allsmiley - smiley

Hello BB hows you

Post 14

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Thats good hows you?

Hello BB hows you

Post 15


im smiley - okthanks a bit worried about my gran tho smiley - sadface

Hello BB hows you

Post 16

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Oh i know how u feel ,i do hope she gets better my fingers are crossed for you matesmiley - smiley

Hello BB hows you

Post 17


thanks hows things with you

Hello BB hows you

Post 18

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Im good thanks mate hows things with you? I know what its like to worry mate its not a nice thing,

Hello BB hows you

Post 19


me im not bad bit of a ach from going back to the gym no pain no gain rightsmiley - rofl

yes i am worried we tell her but she just dose what she wants she needs to but her feet up more but she has always being active she she just says im being lazy smiley - steam

Hello BB hows you

Post 20

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

smiley - ok well tell her yer mate baboon ,said take it easysmiley - biggrin
Chat later.

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