A Conversation for The Spanish Foreign Legion

Flea Market: A1154918 - The Spanish Foreign Legion

Post 1


Entry: The Spanish Foreign Legion - A1154918
Author: HappyDude (The Original Disco Duck) … wearing a skirt (again) <YIKES> : PLUG F19585?thread=316174 - U150533

Don't think i'm going to have time to finish this one smiley - erm

A1154918 - The Spanish Foreign Legion

Post 2


smiley - whistle

A1154918 - The Spanish Foreign Legion

Post 3


I'd like to propose Back to Entry.
It is a really interesting topic, but this article sadly doesn't contain enough information, either about the founding or the combats it was involved in.
I do hope the author returns to finish this off, though. It contains just enough to tantalise and intrigue, but sadly - frustratingly - doesn't go anywhere.


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Flea Market: A1154918 - The Spanish Foreign Legion

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