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This week

Post 1


S and I went to see a broadcast of the Globe Antony and Cleopatra at Cineworld. The next night we went to see Mr Holmes at the Belmont. The Law graduations were on Monday. I finished doing the 2015-2016 honours allocations on Friday. Yesterday we went to see the degree shows at the Art School and the School of Architecture (both RGU) and today we visited Leith Hall just outside Huntly. I have finished books 1-6 of Charlie Higson's The Enemy series and now have to wait 'til October for number 7 - the last volume - and I feel like a 13 year-old waiting for Deathly Hallows in March 2007. I have been kept moderately occupied this week - the resits are the week after next and one does try to help the students to get up to speed. Anyhow, I got a present of a bottle of Glenlivet from one of the 2015 graduates. I have done not badly on the malts front this year.

Tomorrow, I think, A Girl Walks Home in the Dark. On Wednesday, Terminator.

I have been cancelling subscriptions - Times Higher Education, London Review of Books, Shindig, Edinburgh Law Review. More to follow. I don't have time to read 'em all.

The graduations were wonderful. Someone posted on twitter "I don't want to go to sleep as that would mean that graduations are over."


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