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Graduations tomorrow

Post 1


There'll be a party in the Taylor Quad.

P phoned yesterday. He has been moved into a shared ward, with, I expect, five others; I furthermore suspect, amputees. Meanwhile, no progress in re rehousing. I cannot help but think that he should have been considering his future several years ago.

S has for the last year been planning for a new home, built to spec, to meet the needs of an aging and decomposing couple. As I am one of the rotters I am rather hoping that she is maybe a wee bit early out of the blocks.

Anyhow, two completely different approaches.

Sunny day. I walked into town via the Uni. I had breakfast at Casa di... then did the charity shops.

Yesterday, S and I cleared out the shed. The planning permission is agreed for the new build and the Building Warrant documents went in last week. My relocation in the late summer seems all but assured.

I cannot recommend the Charlie Higson 'Enemy' books too highly. I am on 5 of 6 (to date), with a seventh in the pipeline, and I will be queuing outside the bookshop on the release date, and will probably take the day off work to read the book.

This coming weekend, A Girl Walks Home in the Dark.

I have been cancelling magazine subscriptions - having a clear out.


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Graduations tomorrow

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