This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


Exams over, marking done, exam board come and gone, graduation the week after next. Then resits. Then 'get course guides in order'. Then the merry-go-round starts afresh. Meanwhile, I have a big admin job to fit in and editing/updating work to do on two books. Ochone.

Susan and I are now at building warrant application stage. 8-10 weeks for a decision, the process of actually deciding probably taking a couple of hours.

Last Friday se'nnight we went to Ikea in Edinburgh. Yesterday we had a mini-tour of St Andrews, Crail, Anstruther and Dundee. We went to see Great Expectations at Dundee Rep and I was DELIGHTED to find out that Granny Island had been cast as Miss Havisham. She was excellent as was the Estella. It was the Jo Clifford adaptation.

Sunny. We are going to a concert of sea songs tonight, with a few Gilbert and Sullivan being promised.

When the BW OK is secured, I relocate to Kem.

These are very very good - I am half way through number 3 and have the full set.


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