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Child 44/intrusion upon personal space

Post 1


I went to see it earlier this evening. Not brilliant, not awful. Two hours plus but it didn't drag. The actual tracking down of the killer was a bit rabbit out of the hat and the film was pretty demme gory, but, och, I'd watch it again, cyod ryussian accents nyetwythstyanding, but...

I was in a big mostly empty cinema and I sat in the middle of the middle, not paying any attention to my seat number - it was a big empty cinema. Anyhow, this young woman came and sat right next to me, then checked her ticket, then moved from the seat immediately on my left to the seat immediately on my right, and I was terrified, because I was on my own - completely unchaperoned - and I felt completely vulnerable and at risk. I was seriously thinking about leaving the screening. Hmmm... it was an interesting insight if nothing else.

Child 44/intrusion upon personal space

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

That sounds like she may well have been seriously disturbed and in possession of a sharpened object. You may have had a lucky escape.

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Child 44/intrusion upon personal space

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