This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


Me Mammy is in the hospital with kidney problems and the possibility of dialysis.

I have lost an old but still-in-use pair of varifocals, just days after having an eye test the upshot of which was that I probably need new glasses. I have two separate pairs of distance and reading glasses but the varifocals best deal with middle-distance vision, so that'll be £300...

When I was a student - not too long ago - I got new glasses paid for through application to the hardship fund.

I am in Kemnay. There were four neddy yoot on the bus oot, only not so yoot. I'd reckon in their 30s and I'd also reckon all 8am queuers-up outside the chemists. Still, they had a good chinwag, tho' one of them had a high nasal monotone that really nip nip nipped at me, like the bit in Hitchcock's Blackmail when Anny Ondra had a mentaller over 'knife'


PS From Susan:

I'm shifting my granite heap - from in front for the wall that has to come down to what was the compost heaps. 9m of wall is dangerous.

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