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Spring Break

Post 1


It's Spring Break. The students have three weeks hols, followed by a revision week then the exams fortnight. I have marking marking marking - essays and dissertations - and prep for the revision lectures, plus a fair amount of other stuff to do.

S is still in Kemnay, with me in Aberdeen. I should hopefully be moving out in the summer.

S is finished with her chemo/radio/herceptin. She got roped in to doing an honours seminar this week on Planning: A Consumer's Perspective.

We went to see the NT Treasure Island on Tuesday and I saw the new cut of Blade Runner last night.

This has been a long exhausting half-session, with loads of work still piling up but some hope of a wee break.

After seeing Arthur Darvil as Long John Silver on Tuesday, Susan decided to go visit our own local unumloripedemin* the hospital. He has a reputation there, on account of the constant kvetch kvetch kvetch. "Has he always complained so much?" one nurse asked. "I can only go back 32 years, but yes" was the reply.

I am at K for the day. Venison with cranberry and rosemary snags for tea. Plus carrots, parsnip, tatties and stuffing. Then a Sherlock Holmes. Then home.


*He says unidexter but that doesn't work as it was the right one that got cut off so he is if anything a zerodexter.

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Spring Break

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