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OTs are doubtless trained to deal with all sorts...

Post 1


... but still, you have to take your hat off to them.

S and I saw a fairly full performance today, met at every sally with polite pragmatic realism and professionalism. Go-faster stripes? Not an option. Kandy-color tangerine flake spray-job? Any colour you like as long as its black. Chopper handlebars? Aye, in yer dreams. A cupholder? You can sort that out yourself.

S had R today. I did some work in a half-hearted manner, with lots of washing as an avoidance strategy. We saw P at ARI, getting fitted for his wheelchair. On getting home I had a go at hopping up the stairs using only one leg and one arm. I fell flat on my face, but I suppose that persons younger and fitter and healthier than I could manage it no problem, such as, for example, Burt Lancaster's old circus pal Nick Cravat

(I always wanted him to fall on his face too, mind).

kssdjfkgoernv cncvperieoi

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OTs are doubtless trained to deal with all sorts...

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