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Some spare time filled

Post 1


I remember John Peel featuring Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter on his Radio 1 show when it came out. There was a time when he was transitioning from his mid-70s fare into Punk, and even in 1977 Joni was worth some notice. I thought at the time that it was a strange album – a 2 LP set with a sub-60 minute running time, all weird and experimental: Jaco and Wayne then tribal dancing and songs about tar babies. It didn’t make sense to me for over 35 years, then something kicked in.

Joni is like Bob; a brilliant lyricist. Even as background music, while multitasking, lines just jump out at you can grab you:

There was a moon and a street lamp
I didn’t know I drank such a lot
‘Till I pissed a tequila-anaconda
The full length of the parking lot!

Coyote’s in the coffee shop
He’s staring a hole in his scrambled eggs
He picks up my scent on his fingers
While he’s watching the waitresses’ legs

Just before our love got lost you said
I am as constant as a northern star
And I said, constantly in the darkness
Where’s that at?
If you want me I’ll be in the bar

(The final verse quoted above illustrates the risks in embarking upon a war of metaphor with a poet).

I have had the headphones clamped on. I had a most splendid pre-holiday second-hand purchase: a 1993 Kenwood separates system (sans speakers) – it sold in the day for over £1,000 – for £50 off Gumtree. It has a tuner, amp, CD player and cassette deck, and they can all be rigged to run off one remote. It can handle Dolby surround with six speakers. Quite a purchase. So, I have been listening to some of the best. Kate’s Aerial, Echo & the Bunnymen, Coltrane, Charles Ives, Mary Chain, Hans Werner Henze, Duran Duran, and Joni.

As previously noted, S and I currently have a two-homes situation. We are pursuing a sub-division and new build on part of her late Mum’s home. S is well into her radiotherapy. She is in K with Cat 1 and I am in A with Cat 2. Cat 2 brought me two mice last night and ate a goodly part of mouse 2. The two cats have yet to meet. I will join S in K when the planning permission comes through, and if it doesn’t ... ?

The house S is occupying is big and cold and far too expensive for the heirs to the property but it will make a wonderful home for the right family. Our mooted self-build will be green eco energy &c &c will, it seems likely, have three separates systems – curse you Gumtree!

But at the minute, I am in the warm manageable property with a working shower, and S is in the unheated barn with a drippy tap. I go there several times a week and one way or another we see each other each day. We are going to D, on the Tay, tomorrow, to see Paddington at DCA.

We have dropt in on Peet a few times at ARI - If we can manage after S’ radio, as long as we can reasonably count on his not being getting dialysis. He gets plenty visitors.

I have been reading Queen Lucia. ‘taint bad. EF Benson wrote two – probably more – first-rate ghost stories: The Tale of an Empty House, and Mrs Amworth; and probably many more. I will have to read more Benson. BTW, the BBC Mapp &c with wossname Duckface and Gatiss and Pemberton ain’t half bad.

Anyhow, IIRC Reckless Daughter came in for a lot of stick when it came out – a rip off on account of the short running time (the problems of compressing lots of data into a 12in 33.3rpm disc and the trade off between duration and quality) and the mad mad self-indulgence of the project (which is undeniable, but it is nevertheless magnificent).

Snags n’ veg for tea. I really do not want do have to deal with mice tonight – I mean, i had to wash blood off the stairs this afternoon. We had some sleety snow earlier on. It is bloomin’ cauld outside. 99.99% likely that Peet’s leg – hopefully the right one, unless its the left one, in which case hopefully still the right one – comes off tomorrow. In fact I’m pretty sure that it’s the left one that’s the right one...

S has just phoned. We ain’t going to Dundee tomorrow after all.

For the record, I cannot read ghost stories or watch scary films when S is away from home, but having been here on my own since July I am now able to sleep without a light on. Miah was on a roll with her mousing last night on account of the very bright moon – I looked out back and saw a moonshadow, as well formed as any cast by the sun...

Kfgnerugnqehnedjob jdbn

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