This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Benjamin Cummerbund

Post 1


Ver' goof in The Imitation Game. Kiera not bad either. All in all a most entertaining film.

S and I went to the flicks last night. Yesterday was a five classroom hours day tho' it turned out not too bad.

I am working at home today and I have a massive great pile to work through and this is the first displacement activity of the day.

Tati's Playtime is on starting the end of this week. A brilliant two-hour comedy with nary a single laugh in't - a ver' nice trick to pull off and Tati most definitely pulls it off.

Anent which, I heard a (Gerrman national) acad on the stairs bemoaning that '... they are sucking off all the good German scholars.' Perhaps he meant syphoning off, perhaps he didn't - I can only go with the words he uttered, but those words most assuredly conjured up images. I must try to find out who 'they' are.

Anyhow, ZF, as predicted, yesterday became the (anonymous) target of the vilification of a claque. People should realise that there are two sides to every story and IMHO ZF has become the victim of the 'no good deed goes unpunished' rule.

S looking much better. Felted wig to get replaced, hopefully this week.

Work to do...


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Benjamin Cummerbund

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