This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


S and I went to see a two-hander adaptation of Oscar Wilde's Lord Arthur Savile's Crime in Sauchen last night and it was most enjoyable indeed.

The planning application for the new house is in. If you have S' e-mail and would like the link to see the plans then e-mail her. But no objecting.

I am sitting in S' late mum's lounge listening to Led Zep at high volume. I have never been able to do this in my own - our own - flats, and michty! it is ver' pleasant indeed. How nice to have space to live in - S has had but me, never.

I bought the remastered Venus and Mars on Thursday and this has set me off on a Macca thang.

Working while listening, mind you.

S has noticed some fresh-sprouting hair on the napper.

Right, some clarification:

He got a mobile phone from the Zomb F some months back. The provider is Orange. If there was 2.5 minutes left on it, to be used by the end of December, then the SIM is working, and it's a gey queer phone that can't be topped up by voucher but has instead to taken to a shop.

S and I both volunteered to get and deliver top-up vouchers but no 'yes please' reply was received.

Council phone 1 could have been topped up by voucher. See previous paragraph - no need to give Vodafone bank details, just get a voucher.

Oh, and S had no problem with plugging her iPad and phone in at ARI during her recent in-patient stays, and has communicated this fact several times.

Och, this is passive-aggressive venting.

jdgberghrg shgh03gnoegbruoq


Post 2

Zombie Fairy

It's a gift that just keeps giving...



Post 3


Aye ZF, you foresaw that whole load of s coming atcha and now it has. A truly spectacular venting with the journal yet to be writ.


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