This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Final C today; R to follow

Post 1


2 units blood plus a hefty dose of steroids mean that S is on top of the world at the minute though the mellow is rather harshed by the fact that her wig got steamed during pizza-cooking last night and it has gone all felted on her. The SOP seems to be 'cook with the wig off' but no-one communicated this to S.

I took a coupla law acads to visit S last night and we had pizza and mince pies and mulled wine and we went to see the firework display.

S came back home as she had an early hosp this AM and my night was made when Miah performed a spectacular Linda Blair tribute all over the hallway carpet leaving the hall and carpet stinking, just like a babag of McCoys crinkle-cut steak crisps, and I had to mop it all up at 1am-ish.

Anyhow, I had a chest scan at the hosp this AM too, and they injected me with dye and I have a well-bruised pin chshion of an arm.

Work was meh!

I saw Mr Turner on Tuesday - 2.5 hours and significantly less laughter-filled than Topsy Turvy but nevertheless an interesting and instructive film, beautifully staged, dressed, furnished and scripted. It sent me in the direction of my collection of 1840s-50s bound Punch and also Thackeray. Hmmmm... do I have the energy to read Vanity Fair again? The shetches and essays are all right but I have never been able to make headway with any of T's novels save Vanity.

S is back in Kem. The plans for our new house should go in next week.

kvjreunobjv fe9-gjeowveonqe[obj

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Final C today; R to follow

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