This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Bit of an update

Post 1


I got the PhD, and had the degree conferred upon my by the Chancellor of the University, i.e the Duchess of Rothesay.

Susan has - or should have, bloods permitting - her second infusion of chemo on Thursday.

Susan has lost her hair and the eyebrows are going.

She is in her late mum's house - it has a nice BIG garden and is ground-floor friendly. I am in Aiberdeen on account of the work, but the two of us go on long drives (Pitlochry, Ballater, Banchory, Braemar, Edzell, Stonehaven, Newburgh, Fraserburgh, Fettercairn, Alford &c &c all in the last week).

Miah was decidedly dodgy for a while around May/June but has bounced back.

There are plans for a self-build, but it is proving to be a lang sair fecht.

The Uni are ratcheting up the workload.

It hasn't been the Summer we expected.

ksdfkng397gb v8rg34m giodgj fed

Bit of an update

Post 2


Just caught up with this Douglas. It sounds like you and Susan have not been having a good summer. Hope things start to improve.
Best wishes from me and Petal


Bit of an update

Post 3




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