This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Red robes and John Knox cap

Post 1


Graduation next July.

A new hat for me mammy, and my auntie M will hopefully be able to come along too, plus S, of course.

Anyhow, a one-hour viva, the beginning of which was delayed a half-hour - to ratchet up the tension - on account of the connection to Stellenbosch falling over. One of my examiners came over from Belfast and the other was in SA. I had two of the 'deen Professors in the room to watch in silence.

Afterwards, lunch. Then - yesterday - staff holidays hooly.

ksdnvsdv ms cveruoinwkrel#q30jo

Red robes and John Knox cap

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well done. Stellenbosch hey? Wow. Cool.

You put a lot of work in to that and you deserve all your success. You are clearly a born teacher of the young and may you, and more importantly, your students enjoy all your teaching - what you are gifted to do. Wonderful. Well done Drugless.

smiley - magic

smiley - coffee

Red robes and John Knox cap

Post 3


Congratulations Dr. Brain.


Red robes and John Knox cap

Post 4

petal jam

Congratulations Douglas!

O/h e-mailed me this morning with your news in what passes for excitement on a foggy day in Borisovia. We could hardly be prouder if you were our very own [pending, looking hopeful.]

Small note: h2g2 has always refused to validate my account transfer. Until now I had considered it their loss, not mine. However today I put in a few calls including the words "non-panic scenario" and lo! the air locks were opened.

Best wishes all round

Red robes and John Knox cap

Post 5


Thanks y'all. 'twas an exercise in nitpick and grind, with occasional flashes of illumination. But now I feel... 'what next'? As it happens, I have just been sidled up to by a shifty-looking 'series editor' who wants to sign me up for something.

ksxdfgwegvbdskv cnvbisdav80wr

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