This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


I'm going to have to spend the next two-and-a-bit days bloody thinking.

Och, scunners!

SLmndsaocfhnwv sdn,amakghn sfbsdfkl

PS. I bump bump bumped a leather recliner up the stairs to the cubbyhole yesterday to give me a comfortable thesis-reading seat. The thing is arousing jealousy amongst the acads. It will have to get shifted out over the wintermas hols as even I consider it a step too far in cubbyhole enfurnishment terms. I mean, the plants and the tablecloth and the vintage radios and the CD deck and the stuffed cat and the toy robin and snake... the blankets, dressing gown, toothbrush, slippers, hot water bottle, cafeter, flowers, fez and stock of porridge ALL notwithstanding, a leather recliner is deffo pushing it.


Post 2


Well, I guess its important that you recognise your limits...



Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Good for you Douglas, on Thursday you'll be (nearly) Dr Brain, which is a very good name indeed. God bless your academic career.

In the meantime Helga appears to have finally blown sub-zero cold on me; she can't control me and I think that burns. Never mind; there are plenty other radio stations in South Africa. And I will always be grateful to her for giving me my first break. But I pushed her too far... even Helga has her limits... still, that's good for me (and her) to know. Not that she'd acknowledge it.

Anyhoo good luck for Thursday, I'll be thinking (and praying) about you.



Post 4


Gaun yersel big man.
Let us know how it goes.


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