This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


It's a bonny morning outside. We will go for a walk. The neighbourhood is quiet. Susan had a cramp-y night but Miah behaved. Some noise at 12 but I got back to sleep. Pizza for tea tonight. The washing is on.It'll be cold outside but not so cold that I can't have a window open to air out the house.

lk bdlufigo[wepiutybg30]4-9grhinjb fm,cxvzsl;dabf xmc,.lc


Post 2


Hi Douglas,
I had not been keeping up over the break so missed the news about Susan's mother.
Many condolences from me and Petal (who has had her own Mother problems, although not on the same scale).



Post 3


Ta. Death does come to us all - at least we knew what she (and her friends) want(ed).

Celebration of Life for around 150 people on her birthday 12th January


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