This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Tech II

Post 1


OK, so now she's doing roving access and is using the voice recognition.

Four hours teaching with some time fo prep.

Bacon and eggs for tea. Then, later on, Oliver Smith's Doors flick.

OK day. Trees not bare yet but the fall is imminent.

I am reading up anent planning law. That and accession.

Murder on the Nile at HMT this weekend. Not cheap.

Listening to Boulez conducting Debussy on the iPod.

It must be this weekend that the clocks go back.

Oliver Stone flicks tend to be puffed up full of hot air, straining at the seams. His style should work well in relation to Jim Morrison as I have always regarded him as a bag o' foul wind. Val Kilmer plays Morrison.

Candidates for next week's Halloween showing - The Thing, Carrie, The Fog, The People Underneath the Stairs, Triangle. Two flicks, around 90 mins each with vino and maybe cheese.

Unwelcome sign of aging - tired jaws while grinding granola.

Ned haircut. Need beard trim. The beard is bushy enough but i is demme white.


Tech II

Post 2


What's with the ned haircut? Are you trying to appear unobtrusive in downtown Aberdeen on a Saturday night after the bars close?

PJ has also bought a tablet - a small Samsung. She says she likes it but hasn't yet shown me that anything useful can be done with it.

And yes, the clocks go back on Sunday AM.

Best wishes

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