This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


Well, I now know what my 2012-2013 teaching workload and admin will be.

I went to the Old Aberdeen Bookshop and stocked up on Mankells.

Wet morning improving slightly.

Bacon, omelet, toms and tattie scones for tea.

Will we get a Summer?

I fancy Brechin this Sunday.

I looked at the Pitlochry Festival Theater programme and saw a few shows a quite fancy. I wonder if a two-night mini-break is possible?

I am reading a Wallander. Demmy, I am watching Wallanders.

I spent the day working on my thesis bibliography.

There is nothing on at the flicks this weekend that I fancy, but there is a film coming up from the people who did Headhunters, and it is also based on a Jo Nesbo book

The new owners have painted the exterior of the shop black.

I have spent the last coupla days reading the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012. Such reefs of joy.

Jo Nesbo's tec' is called Harry Hole, and I understand that - and I am not making this up - the Scandinavian pronunciation of Harry is Hairy...

There is nothing on in Aiberdeen. Nothing at the flicks, nothing at the theatre or Music Hall. It is the height of summer and we are all becoming web-footed.

I meant to say - Zomb Fai. popped in to see me in the cubbyhole earlier in the week. I said that I was thinking about getting a new digi camera for the mooted website and he gave me some advice.

Ystad - in the Wallanders - is a busy port with lots of ferries. I enjoyed my ferry trip in April and want to take Susan away on one.

Bo Hansson! I have been listening to Bo Hansson.

Rangers gets better and better.

Sawjfnbaeswg arsweghj


Post 2

Zombie Fairy

Greetings & Salutations.

Just watched Lifeforce (remembered I'd already seen it soon after the opening scenes) - it was entertaining,
and Attack of the Herbals - which was missable, it shall not be added to my movie archive.

There are 2 compact cameras I'm considering buying (only buying one of them) the Nikon 1 J1 which is a bit expensive and has a bit of a sticky-oot lens but is well received, and the Canon IXUS 300 HS which I've held in my grubby paws and quite like the look of and it's half the price.

There are 1000's of other compact digital cameras out there, the choice is staggering.

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