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A 'do'

Post 1


It was the staff 'end of teaching year' hooly today. I bodyswerved it and hunkered down in the cubbyhole for some thesising. I took advantage of the place being deserted to blast out ugly electronic music - Electric Sounds, Beaubourg, Orb/Ultraworld. T Dream/Electronic Meditation... all as loud as I could stand.

Anyhow, thesis progress made - a 1,500 word day - followed by good Chinese food.

Reading - Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail.

Watched an iTunes hire of Juan of the Dead last tonight.


A 'do'

Post 2


Brilliant book. I think that was Thomson's best piece of journalism. I usually re-read it every 4 years when the US campaign gets going. I wonder what he would have made of the Republican primary race?

best wishes

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