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Ho Hum

Post 1


We watched the Branagh/Thompson Much Ado... last night. It was ver' sugar/cream/marshmallow/vanilla/more sugar and Branagh looked just like Noel Edmonds, but Emma was... sigh... She reminded me of Susan when we first met.

Cubbyhole from 8 'til 5. Thesis progress but it's a slog. The empty Uni was vibe-less.

Headhunters tomorrow. Much fancied flick from the Yellow Bird stable.

Pizza for tea.

Cold, but getting sunnier.

Miah is out. Susan is, who knows.

Emma. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

She is of an age with Susan but she has knocked around with Ken B and Hugh L and Stephen F and and Whereas Susan has simply knocked around with me and Peet and while I can see the parallel twixt Ken and I, I can't see one between Peet and any of Em's 80s gang.

Windows washed and paid for; paid in advance for next month too.


Ho Hum

Post 2


Wow. If Sue has aged as well as (or better than) Emma T then you are a very lucky man. Of course, so am I (he adds hastily in case PJ reads this).

I haven't seen Much Ado with Branagh and Thompson E, but we did see a performance with Branagh and Thompson S in, I think, 1988. Very good it was and Wikipedia tells me that it was directed by Dame Judi. There was also a so-so-ish production of Hamlet on the same day so we had a very Branagh-full Saturday (this was, of course, pre-offspring).

Hope the snow has gone. I spent the day walking on the South Downs, where it was brilliant sunshine from start to finish.

Best wishes


Ho Hum

Post 3



You should try the Tennant/Tate Much Ado... on

I have Peter's Friends queued up for sometime soon.

Regards to you and PJ.


Ho Hum

Post 4


I have seen Thompson S in a couple of things on TV recently, and she seems to specialise in rather OTT crazy/jealous wives. I didn't see the NT production of 'She Stoops' which was beamed to our local cinema, but apparently she was quite shouty in that too. So unlike dear Emma!

Ho Hum

Post 5


Ah, that was her, was it. She was actually rather good as Mrs Hardcastle - Susan and I saw the relay - but I'd never have guessed that it was Em's sis. Michty. She got the laughs. Susan will be surprised when she sees this.

Does Headhunters tempt you? I suspect not - it is rather gross in a wet smelly claggy fluids kinda way - but is jet black dark humour.


Ho Hum

Post 6


Headhunters ... no, I don't think it's really my sort of thing. I *am* tempted by Le Havre, and was in fact thinking I might go yesterday, but wasn't back from the seaside in time. Screening times this week not very convenient, but still hoping to see it.

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