This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Ridiculously busy

Post 1


... and not quite appreciating it.

Peet phoned me with a tale of woe. It will be in his journal tomorrow, and I don't want to steal his thunder.

I am more and more certain that I will not get paid this month.

I am kinda POd. I frequently am, but have more and more grounds for doing so.

Sausages for tea.

I have four hours of teaching tomorrrow.

I have a marking backlog.

Miah was sick on the bedroom carpet this morning.

On the plus side, a Speccie mixed-case arrived yesterday, 4x3 bottles, two white, two red, nine French, three Portugese. That'll do us for a while. I have discovered the pleasures of having a wine merchant.

The new PD James is out.

I don't get no respect. I don't think I ever will - it's like coming up through the ranks under Wellington. I'm a prole and I know it. Class still matters.


Ridiculously busy

Post 2


This is the link so the zombie fairy can appreciate the full story. I am not volunteering to administer the hug! Sue

Ridiculously busy

Post 3


Very generous wine merchant. 16 bottles in a 4x3 box!


Ridiculously busy

Post 4


Two different whites and two different reds. In all, nine French and three Portugese. The Portugese were a red. My English was perhaps not quite so goot as Lou Costello's mathematics skills:


Ridiculously busy

Post 5


My great-niece's cat dissected some furry (?) creature in the bath, and just left a kidney behind - as a present, presumably. Judging from the photo in Facebook, quite a sizeable creature ... but they do live in a tropical country.

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