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Post 1


I arrived at the lecture hall just in time - a big room, the Arts Lecurre Theatre; seats 500-plus - and logged in &c. I dashed through 25 PowerPoint slides in 50 mins and was approached by a student at the end with a "well done."

I went in to town to pick up a book from a solicitor. Town was cold windy and ver' wet, a boggin' day.

I had a 4-5pm tutorial then came home. I found an empty tutorial room to sit in while waiting for the tutorial slot, and managed to get some reading done. Prof X promised yesterday to let me have comments on my 'for publication' article but he hasn't. Yesterday was my, what?, tenth time of asking. One of the lecturers has said he will discuss the article with me, and I got useful feedback from another acad, but I really wanted something from X. Ah well, c'est la vie.

Snags for tea. Bubble n' squeak. Broccoli. X Files and a Doctah.

I didn't like Ecclestone at the time, but, with the benefit of hindsight, am now of the opinion that Gasmask Child and Doctah Dances is the best Doctah ever, followed by Blink, Fireplace and a slew of the Tates in no particular descending order.

The replacementr kindle has arrived. Once I have charged it up and done the registration &c I will order 1Q84, Have his Carcase, and Zone One.

Bucketty bucketty bucketty outside. We watched Ed Wood last night.



Post 2


I notice that the DW episodes you name were all written by Moffat. My favourite is still Blink although the BBC don't seem to repeat the Ecclestone series so I haven't seen those since the original showing. The Empty Child was also the introduction of Captain Jack.

I'm still loyal to Tom Baker as the best Doctor. Probably because I saw most of those through a haze of alcohol.

best wishes


Post 3


I'd recommend Tom Baker's autobiography. Also his book - The boy who kicked pigs.


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