This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


Miah has surely been getting grief. Sometimes, from her demeanour, she wins, or at least manages a score draw. Mostly she comes hom a glum scabb'd cat, and sits on doormats sulking. When she cannon go out she has to work off her energy in the house, and today she managed to knock down a pile of books onto the desk, damaging the recharging cable for my Kindle. She is out at the minute.

Yesterday I had five hours of teaching, as in five hours of yadda yadda.

Then I had to fit in some prep.

I may or may not get paid next month. I should, but I expect some form of delay. Whatever I get, my employers will be buying me gey cheaply.

Two tutorials tomorrow. First thing in the morning then late afternoon, with - hopefully - some library work in between.

It is cold and wet and windy and dark.

Sausages tor tea.

Annie? PJ? PJ's OH? Dee Kay? Have I lost you following the shift. Please say hello.

The zombie fairy dropped by yesterday with The Walkind Dead S2 E2. I was out. I didn't get home 'til after 7. Thanks.



Post 2


Yes - I'm here! [jumps up and down]

There were a few blips in the re-registration process, largely due to me having two different identities for here and ML, but I got some help from a lovely Guru and now I'm back.


Post 3

DeeKay Bee

I also had to get help from a lovely guru, Solnushka, but it was sorted eventually.

Hi Douglas and Sue (and annie).


Post 4


Hi there - I can't see who you are, but you obviously know me!


Post 5


By using the reply button I can see it was DeeKay Bee who was greeting us - a glitch in the software I presume.



Post 6

DeeKay Bee

They've asked for bugs to be reported , though I think it has already been reported. I've not noticed it affecting me.



Post 7


Sorry Douglas,
I've been on holiday and hadn't re-registered on H2G2. I don't know if PJ has reactivated her account yet.

Been up your way for a family holiday in Aviemore. Very cold with snow lying down to about 500 m and some snow showers lower than that. Very different from this time last year when I and PJ's SiL climbed Cairngorm in shirt sleeves.

Sorry to hear about your work situation but nisi illegitimis etc.

best wishes


Post 8


Looks like the gang are (nearly) all back. Hurray again!


Post 9

petal jam

Hallo all. Heard that I've been mentioned in connection with waifs and strays [nothing too waiflike about me.] Douglas you'll just have to count each visit to Academe as your daily exercise/ visit to the physical jerks.

How is Sue btw?


Post 10


I will let her tell you...



Post 11


Thanyou for the enquiry, I am fine. A credit to the surgeon at Clydebank. The replaced hip and leg feels no different to the other side which is amazing given the size of the metal spike. The long walks definitely help and the feet appreciate the coffee and cake stops.

Before I went back to work full time people kept on telling me how well I looked...


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