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Dull day

Post 1


We walked in to town, and took the opportunity to explore a ling back lane of garages and backies.

In town I went to 1-UP while Susan visited the Tollbooth Museum.

We looked for some friends in various pubs.

We strolled thru' a rather downscaled International Market.

We had lemonade and a ver' fine brownie, went to M&S, and came home.

I have ordered some The Brew CDs.

Tonight - Babylon AD, then, maybe, a Robocop.

There is a Gatiss Dr Who script on tonight. I like Gatiss' writing but the Doctah is dead to me now.

I start writing lectures on Monday.

Miah has been in fights. A catnip mouse cheered her up a bit.

Oh, the Scotch got held to a draw by the plucky Czechs. The pubs were full of people watching the game.


Dull day

Post 2


DW was actually quite good. Matt Smith was fairly subdued. I think, for a youngish child, it was probably the scariest since Blink.


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