This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


We picked up Caius and went to Duthie Park. We left the car, and had a walk through the necropolis to the Bridge of Dee, then along the old railway line back to the park. We drove in to town and parked near the train station, and trouped down to the antique shop in the railway arches. The selection of books &c somewhat took C aback, and I bought a Leech print, a wee snuff-box, and a bound volume of the first ywo years worth of Bon Accord, an attempt to do a weekly Aiberdeen Punch, from 1880-1881. Note that I bought them but Susan paid.

We had cawffee at the Peckhams in the station. C sat and held court - he recognised and was recognised by several passers-by, and said hello to his first nursery school teacher, who looked younger then me.

We drove C home then picked up some odds and ends from Morrisons.

Miah is asleep atop the wardrobe.

Steak Pie. Fairly soon...

Gusty day.

Nice walk.



Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Antiques are good. I bought a silver pill box for my pills when I moved in here.


Post 3



Post 4


Horrors... horrors...

They gave us a steak & kidney pie.

The whole thing was tainted. We could eat it, having picked all the kidney out, but the taste lingered on.

The veg were good. Splendid carrots, tasty cauliflower, juicy cabbage - all deserving of a better pie; all sadly let down.

Susan has been let down. I haver failed her. She deserves better, but tonight ate without relish the inner organs of &c &c.

Words will be had next week. Meanwhile, Miah, a potential beneficiary, is out on a hooly, or, more likely, sitting on opposite's doormat brooding in the manner of a constantly-foiled supervillan.



Post 5


What's wrong with kidneys you big jessie?
You're as bad as my brother who doesn't like (as he calls them) "corners". My mother has to buy 2 steak pies for Ne'erday. One with kidneys and one without (plus we have to have baked beans for aforesaid brother).
Offal is generally one of my favourites as it is cheap and tasty.

I draw the line at tripe though.



Post 6


Baked beans have their place, which is nowhere near a steak pie. A steak pie which has kidneys in it is already ruined so you may as well pour on some custard - go the whole hog.



Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh I disagree, there is something delightfully decadent about baked beans and a steak pie. It's very warming, too.


Post 8


Totally agree, PJ's OH! (Hello, btw - not sure if we've been formally introduced.)

I'm very partial to steak & kidney pie, also liver ...

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