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Out and about

Post 1


OK, so we went and paid the papers, then caught a bus to Prego cafe to meet a friend for breakfast, but we were late, tho' she was still there. We walked around the West End for a while (back streets, lanes, garages), then went to the butcher and the cheesemonger on Rosemount. In town we did the charity shops then I surprised Susan by treating her to lunch and a pint at the Schoolhouse bar. I spotted a friend in the distance, and some rooting around took us to the pub where he was enjoying a pint with some other friends - all ver' sociable - then we did some shopping and came back home.

Today's loot - An Oldfield, some Aerosmith, a HPL paperback, 3 DVDs.

Tonight's tea - a slice of pork pie, some cheese. Wine. Films - Serial Mom? The Jane Austen Book Club?

A bonny day on the whole, tho' o'ercast for a while.

Susan is looking ver' well and is getting around nae prob.

Re. the Oldfield - I came late to him, and have problems with his streak of 'twee' and occasional dodgy taste, but there is great talent there. I bought the remastered expanded Incantations on Thursday, and enjoyed it ver' much, and when I spotted one of his CDs in a charity shop I snapped it up.

Breakfast - I had two cawffees, with come ver' good toast (good bread well-toasted) and marmalade (NOT the sickly-sweet plastic sachets). Susan had a bacon roll. I was seeing the friend re an article we are collaborating on. I have some resit marking to do. I will move out of the cubbyhole tomorrow and retirn the keys on Monday.

The HPL paperback is a big black Gollancz brick of a thing titles Necronomicon.

Coffee, toast and marmalade makes a ver' satisfying breakfast.


Out and about

Post 2


Bit of a one hit wonder. Tubular Bells was something different at the time, and very popular amongst us teenage hippies who had missed out on the 60's, but later work was disappointing.

The SNO did Tubular Bells in concert at a prom in the mid-70s. The orchestra could provide most of the instruments and players but not an electric guitar. They got Steve Hillage to do that bit and, so a member of the orchestra told me, after the rehearsal the orchestra gave him a standing ovation.

Never saw Oldfield live but saw Steve Hillage at Manchester University both with Gong and afterwards. The later gig was first class with a brilliant cover of Mr Tambourine Man.

Best wishes to Susan. I think she is supposed to be exercising her new hip, not sitting around in seedy Aberdeen drinking establishments.


Out and about

Post 3


Don't you mean Hurdy Gurdy Man?

See him on this:

I have my Hillage collection too.

Seedy pubs? She's having s holiday...


Out and about

Post 4




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