This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Working diligently

Post 1


I have spent the day working on the Gloag & Henderson 13th edition update: Specifically, the law of tenements.

I have been listening to Hawkwind and The Mars Volta.

We had rarebit for lunch and I think I will serve up soup for tea.

Susan saw a nurse at the GP Surgery today. Her wound has not yet fully healed. She is sitting in the living room doing a jigsaw. Miah is asleep atop the wardrobe. The fox has been through the backie twice today that I have seen, and probably more often. Nae shy, our Reynard.

Plans for tomorrow - bus to Rosemount, butcher, cheese shop, breakfast, charity shops, Aberdeen Box Office, 1-UP, coffee shop, supermarket, then home and nice tea and bottlie o' wine.

I had a nice e-mail from one of the Profs asking after Susan.

Aiberdeen tends to get nice late Springs and early Autumns but Summer? Feh! Looking out backie it could be November, and the nights are noticeably drawing in.

Let's see. Mushroom soup with blue stilton, and a hot roll. I have a film for her. It's two hours long and it's Russian.

Re the Box Office - tickets for the Panto, for the Flying Pigs show, and for an Agatha Christie (Verdict).

Mars Volta are ver' good. They're prog.


Working diligently

Post 2


This morning had a very autumnal feel to it, even down here. There was condensation on the inside of a couple of the windows, and although it was bright and sunny, decidedly chilly on my cycle to work.

Working diligently

Post 3


Not working diligently!

Had an absolutely gorgeous day on the South Downs. Came home sunburnt.

Nice pub lunch

and ice cream and a paddle at Birling Gap.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x47df7741bbadfca3:0x260eae2ecb82afd1,Birling+Gap,+East+Dean,+East+Sussex&gl=uk&ei=UdMpTqv1D8ut8QPmsKGkDA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCAQ8gEwAA

Best wishes to Susan


Working diligently

Post 4


Re South Downs - Hmmm... don't look too shabby, nope; I could find something to eat there no probs.

Re. Autumnal days - look... dinnae... I have a job for Susan but it requires sunshine and warmth (i.e. Morison cleaning). Still, old campuses show up to best effect in the Autumn.

Miah just gone out.


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