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Aye aye, fit's is?

Post 1


One mousie last night. A wee runty deid thingie wi' a sprig o' parsley. Miah came in at 3.30 and slept under the bed. I left the mousie out for the postie to admire but flushed it a wee while ago on account of an OT coming to visit this pm.

Warmish, o'ercast wi' bucketty rain.

Susan allowed to self-ablute this am. BP 40 down yesterday with dizzy spells, but phone calls from her mum have upped the BP into the safe range.

No discharge date yet. Hospital ver' unhappy with the idea of train home, but what else do they have to offer?

Levels of hospital and OT care & support seem to vary widely fron district to districh - a 'no hits (anag) Sherlock' observation, admittedly, but one that is hitting home for the first time.

Anyhow, vampires, zombiies, ghosties, wardrobe-dwelling creepy-clowns and underbed monsters continue to behave themselves. Not even any sign of white-faced black-haired black-eyed undernourished dead Japanese children peeping our from mirrors &c - could this be a sign that I am growing up? Michty, puberty next, making it a ver' timely hip op indeed.

I watched Hard Revenge Milly and Hard Revenge Milly II last night. Yon Milly is some quean.

It strikes me that lavvies can get afa' dirty.

Tonight's film, Visitor Q by Takeshi Mike. He did Audition - a film which, once seen, requires a massive summoning-up of courage to watch again; a truly diseased imagination at work, and Visitor Q is supposed to top it.

Japanese culture is quite fascinating. Oh to be an 19-year-old Tokyo cosplaying anime/manga addict, working in a Maid Cafe, smoking French cigarettes and hooked on strong Italian coffee, with a night-time gig as a singer in a small jazz group, living on lunch-boxes and noodles and reading voraciously, maybe even playing guitar... and with a cat.

Maybe there's a 19-year-old Tokyo cosplaying anime/manga addict sitting in a Maid cafe right this minute thinking 'oh to be a 50-year-old Aberdeen...&c &c'

Miah is missing Susan. We were both away on Monday and I only got home at the back of 9 on Tuesday. In the interim G. dropped in to feed and say hello to her. She was really bugging for love and attention last night. She sat and watched me ver' closely for a half-hour or so then tried to sit on me. Susan is the better person to sit on.

I think I will have bacon and eggs for tea.

I am reading The Hunger Games on my Archos. A paid-for download. A book for teens. It has elements of The Running Man, Battle Royale, The Handmaid's Tale, The Road &c to it, and is rather good.


Aye aye, fit's is?

Post 2

petal jam

Hey oop Douglas - hadn't logged in fro some time and so missed Susan's early bath. Please do tell her I was asking for her. Have seen my Ma through two joint replacement surgeries, including a low blood pressure episode, and can safely say that the first week is ugh. However it is not long before the recovering limb is less trouble than Nature's own.

If the next body maintenance is during term time, we might find you a driver with minibus licence.

Aye aye, fit's is?

Post 3


Hiya PJ. OH has been chipping in anent the operation &c and outed himself as a bit of a trainspotter in a reply to my journal entry for yesterday.

Susan is being discharged tomorrow. The hospital will patient transport her to Queen St. and I will accompany her back on the train therefrom. Awfully early, IMHO, but I got the discharge shifted back to the late afternoon so that I wouldn't have to pay for her lunch - yes, I am a true Aiberdonian.

ACC OT visited this PM. It seems that short of installing a hydrotherapy suite in the thesis chamber, the flat is in every respect ideal for a recovering hip op patient. Aye, olloxbay. Miah behaved like a complete ... well, I'd probably get modded if I typed it, but it is the correct word ... towards the OT, as she was up and looking for lurve and petting &c and putting on a real show.

The 'word' is the S word, and it relates to a recently popularised form of women-centred group perambulations.

Demmy. I was counting on a wee bit more hooly time to myself before the yoke descended.

OK. Visitor Q tonight, bacon & eggs and tattie scones, a glass of wine and an early night.


Aye aye, fit's is?

Post 4


Glad to hear Susan's op went well, Douglas. Do pass on my best wishes, and hope the next stage also goes smoothly.

Aye aye, fit's is?

Post 5


Not trainspotter - rolling stock engineer. I worked on those trains when I were a lad.


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