This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


Bruce Miller's shop is now closed. Complete bummer, a long-standing local business gone down the plughole. I went there regularly, for coffee, lunch, magazines, CDs and even audio equipment.

I have been at the Uni all week. I have got a lot done - over 6,000 words to thesis draft standard.

Working at the Uni is good for me. I get things done.

Anent the staff room - before it got opened, just over a year ago, the staff used a wee cupboard, with a sink, a kettle, a fridge and a microwave. Once the staff room was opened, the cupboard stopped getting used. I have today set about claiming it as a sub-staff room. I washed the filthy cups and the sink, I washed the microwave and the units, and I emptied and washed the fridge. So immediate and absolute was the shift over to the new staff room that, I discovered, on opening it, the fridge got forgotten about, and it was full of milk and convenience meals and cheese and sandwiches wrapped in tin foil - there was a plastic tub of four cheese ravioli,with a clear film top, dated last May. It was gray. I was - almost - tempted to puncture the film. The milk containers were from last May/June, and they were mostly half-full. I dumped them all in the bin in the law corridor. OK, I washed out the milk containers first - some fine ripe goaty cheese had to get mashed down the plughole - and I bagged up the food - I'm not that antisocial; but I kinda wouldn't mind if some of the miasma was there on Monday. Also, I retrieved all of my magazines from the staff room, and put them for shredding. They're welcome to their Hellos.

There are some real minkers...

For example, the staff room bin was absolutely mingin' on Tuesday. They have had the room for a year, and it looks really shabby.

Anyhow, I had brunch at Casa di.

I got some charity shop hardbacks and I got a soaking. In the Oxfam, I found the first Grant Morrison Doom Patrol collection.

Susan has had her hospital date moved forward and will get a different surgeon.

Caius is in Cam. enjoying the May week.

I read Chamber of Secrets yesterday.



Post 2


Presumably it was your enlightened zombie awareness that deterred you from opening the ravioli? After 13 months there could easily be a new mutant lifeform in there.

Best wishes from a very wet South-East England.


Post 3


Not yet, he isn't. It starts tomorrow! Today is Suicide Sunday (

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