This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Actually writing

Post 1


... on a roll.

Dead mousie last night, so small and light that it took five flushes before it went. It was a fresh kill too - still dripping blood.

Miah triumphant. Miah is a happy little cat - in her early middle years and fit and lithe. She gets what she wants when she wants it, and if she had catty enemies, well, that's just the salt on the meat.

I am going down to Uni. tomorrow. I am meeting a former tute, and picking up a bottlie malt. Also, I have to borrow a Ius Feudale and get my staff ID card sorted out.

Dull day. Temperate. I am sitting around - TMI ALERT! - in a t-shirt and pants. It is a matter of some incompatibility between me and Susan that she needs fleeces and hot water bottles while I am opening windows and wiggling bare toes.

Susan got home at 9pm yesterday, and was up at 5.30 this morning so as to get in to work early.

I have to go to Embra on Saiturday.

Tonight, I think, a Wallender.

I have been struggling to install Nook on my laptop and tablet. It is a pain. I have had great problems trying to get Kindle and other DRM readers onto my Archos. Now I have managed to get Nook onto the tablet and the laptop but am having problems logging-in on the laptop.

Med-type stuff for tea.

White toast and grapefruit marmalade for breakfast, and juice, and two espressos. White toast - cotton wool pap - for the crunch. Toast has to crunch, beyond which it is merely a vehicle for the butter and whatever else goes on top. Marmalade, Marmite, peanut butter, eggs.


Actually writing

Post 2


It was onleeee a poooor dead sparrer
Wot me pusscat brought 'ome to meeeee...

But I was insufficnelty appreicative, so she carted it away again.

Horror of horrors... I may have to go to London in July. There is a meeting, and they are holding off on setting a date so that I can come.

But Susan will be getting over her hip-hop in July, and she will need me in Aiberdeen, all month.


Actually writing

Post 3


Buy you a pint?


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