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Post 1


Mrs Castaway having seemingly left, Agnes becomes the one to watch. This deleted scene shows why:

It should have remained in.

The bit where she crawled along the corridor... pure Japanese horror. I will buy the DVD set (when it comes down to under a tenner).

Cool, o'ercast breezy morn. Cawfee had, Susan at work, Miah out. G will probably be dropping by around lunch-time.

I have sorted out three big boxes of comics to go, and there is a large pile of books to follow them.

The curtains are not going to go back up in the thesis chamber. I will put up a roller blind instead. I have shifted things about on the desk. I will paint the room soon. White, naturally.

This is all gearing up to the start of the thesis-writing proper. That will be at the start of June.

I am not the only one to think that Nixon, in Impossible Astronaut, looked more like LBJ. I have seen the same observation in other reviews ands blogs.

Yesterday's Independent (on Sunday) devoted a dozen or so pages to underlining its complete lack of interest in the royal wedding; a wholly pointless labour, akin to the messageboard stalkings and beratings of PORFs by PONRFs seen in TA &c. It is apathy, not passion, that brings down old institutions (OK, an overgeneralisation, but with a core of truth). If the Indy really doesn't care, then it's hard to see why it should have so much to say about it. What was the sum total of the Morning Star's reporting on one royal wedding - "traffic in London may be subject to delays as a result of the wedding of Miss Anne Windson and Captain Mark Phillips."

Susan and I watched an unbearably sour HIGNFY on BBC-i last night. An awful chairman, and Marcus Brigstock, who made me want to take up smoking, so that I might have cigarettes to stub out on him.

Briggsy, Briggy, Briggers, is an unfunny performer from an unfunny radio show in the Radio 4 unfunny slot, and he really tickles my unfunny bone.


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Post 2


I saw this in a blog:

"Law school taught me one thing: how to take two situations that are exactly the same and show how they are different."


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Post 3


I don't agree about LBJ. The actor doesn't really look like either of them, but he is closer to Nixon's physical type than Johnson's.

makes him look like a slimy toad, which Nixon was. Also, Johnson was the tallest US president, much taller than Matt Smith (Bonus question: who was the tallest Doctor? The answer surprised me!).

Best wishes

PS I'm going to be near Glasgow in the first week in May. Have you any Glesca trips planned in that period?

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Post 4


Anent Glesca, the wee cash cow that takes me to glam locations all over Scotland has dried up for the moment, meaning, sadly, that I won't be near the place, or, indeed, getting on a train for quite some while.

Ah well, some day.


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