This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Routine stuff

Post 1


Nice morning tho' misty. The mist burned off then the rain came.

Chilli for tea.

A Crimson, a Doctah (if up on BBC-i), then, maybe, a NYPD Blue.

Yesterday's tutorials went ver' well.

It looks like I may have found someone to take my bike off me, in exchange for a bottlie Bushmills.

In town, I picked up a Cerebus vol. 1 and a signed hardback Baker Street collection (the Guy Davis one, one of the finest tributes to Sherlock Holmes ever).

I have just read the Times and the FT.

I picked up a copy of Out by Natsuo Kirino at a cherity shop.

I have really enjoyed my tutoring this year. Conveyancing and Succession & Trusts. I have also lectured on Property and Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution. Teaching IS fun. I so want (and need) to shift down into a proper office in the Law School.

I met one of my former LLM 'English as a second language' tutes yesterday. She is from the far east, and when I saw her was about to start a LLM. She has just started her PhD. It was good to see her.

I bought bacon for breakfast tomorrow. Shopping will have to get done.


Routine stuff

Post 2


Cracking DW. You may have seen the trailer where he asks for 12 jammy dodgers and a fez. But you have to wait to see from whom he is asking this.

Happy Oestre

Routine stuff

Post 3


A bit frenetic, but full of ideas, ver' clever, and a ver' strong cast well compensated for the show's biggest weakness. River's speech about the horrible day that lies in her future was brilliant - we have already seen that day. I thought that the Nixon better resembled LBJ.

Meanwhile, an exchange from Blink:

Doctor: Welcome!
Billy Shipton: Where am I?
Doctor: 1969. Not bad as it goes. You've got the moon landing to look forward to.
Martha: Oh, the moon landing's brilliant! We went four times. Back when we had transport.
Doctor: Working on it.


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