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NOTW/News International...

Post 1


... having all blown up spectacularly this day, I find myself now confronted with a curious possibility, i.e. that over the years, some of the 'news' reports in the Screws might actually have had a foundation in fact.

Who's have thought it?


NOTW/News International...

Post 2

petal jam

Yeah, maybe.. The current claim is that most of the Papers have been enthusiastic phone hackers, possibly still are, so you might have to concede that lots of printed dross has a grain of truth. Not just Prince Charles whose phone calls were umm tampered with.

NOTW/News International...

Post 3


Of course it was all true (smiley thing)

How prog were you Douglas?
Does this raise a tear?
I can see that the next few years are going to see all my teenage rock idols will be going to that great gig in the sky. So PJ will have to put up with a lot of extended memorial playing.

You seem to have warmer weather forecasted for tomorrow than us. I am going looking for a new chainsaw to keep the fire going.

Best wishes.
Pj's Oh

NOTW/News International...

Post 4


Medicine Man live, blazing Melotrons. The heart went out of the band when Woolly left it. He pulled out, ver' late, from a tour with John Lees in December, and the report of his death appeared a few days later.

BJH are in the new issue of Prog Magazine.

Woolly had some solo and band releases after leaving BJH, and there are a few on the Esoteric label.

Be sure to play Live and Live Tapes, loud...

Douglas (in Embra)

NOTW/News International...

Post 5


I have just cottoned to the 'tampered' joke.


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