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I am not kil't

Post 1


Susan had a great holiday and she likes the new carpet and lino, meaning that I get to live.

Yesterday (Friday) was Caius' coronation at the Law School, i.e. his welcome to the staff drinks party in the super-elite new staff room. I gatecrashed the event. It went ver' ver' well. The head of school gave a welcome address and Caius a witty reply. There was loads of cake and a goodly amount of wine, which the head of school dished out liberally. A ver' good evening. It was the first such event, and it went so well that I can see the law school wanting to make a regular event of them. Good staff turnout.

1.?? bottles of wine each into the evening, Caius dragged me away to a packed Machar Bar where he sicced the Uni Chaplain on me. Susan picked us up and we ate Indian, at the place from a fortnight ago. The food was good but Susan's curry was too hot and if I'd been thinking I'd have offered to swap with my ver' tasty but not madly hot chicken biryani - she's have been able to cope with that.

It is Caius' inaugural lecture on Monday, to 200+ Year III conveyancing students. He will be talking anent Moncrieff v Jamieson and servitudes, which the English call easements.

Monday is our Law Moot, representing the staff against the students. It'll be an hopur os so of the four participants making fools of themselves, then we will have drinkies. Caius and I are the prosecutors, and the appeal is against conviction, and, as Caius is lead, I will speak second and he will speal last.

I have been in to town for my Bruce Millers cawffee and scone. Roast chicken for tea, then Becoming Jane (the Austen in love flick) and an eppy or two from Season 1 of Roseanne. Driech day. Autumnal. Miah has gone out. I have an awful cold. Washing on. I have a jug of Cuban cawffee... bring it on.


I am not kil't

Post 2

petal jam

Just to say how good to hear that Susan enjoyed her holiday. Also to advise Douglas that this week's New Statesman has as guest editor Melvyn Bragg, with cover artwork by Tracey Emin, a fellow cat-lover.

I am not kil't

Post 3


Neither of them are selling points as far as I am concerned, and I didn't even buy this week's Speccie. I have my Times and my FT.

Susan is late. It is 7.15. Where can she be?


I am not kil't

Post 4


But Tracey's a Tory! She admits it in the interview.

She's also a hypocrite in that:
- 2 years ago she said she would leave the UK if the top tax rate was raised to 50%
- last week she signed a letter protesting against the governement cutting the taxpayers expenditure on the arts
Or maybe she's just a cynical chancer.

However, despite the bed and the tent, she is actually a talented artist.

Like the careful apostrophe in today's blog title. It would leave a much more surreal image without it.

Will be up in your neck of the woods next week. Hope the weather holds dry.


I am not kil't

Post 5


Glad to hear that Caius was appropriately welcomed with cake and wine! Also that Susan enjoyed her holiday and approves of the carpet and lino.

I am not kil't

Post 6


"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

Ephscot Fitzgerald.

Please specify "your neck of the woods" - near enough for Susan and me to buy you a pint? Well, Susan will be the one doing the buying...


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