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Wee pastor

Post 1


Pastor Jones seems to be bottling out.

I finished Pig Island by Mo Haider last night. Overall, 'twas OK, but the ending was weak and, in general, more was promised than was delivered.

Susan had a 7am appointment at the GP but when she turned up she was told that he was off sick.

I had thought about going to the Uni today, but I have to go to Glasgow tomorrow and Sundays are always a wash-out, meaning that I need to get words down on paper anent Erskine. Erskine's line on common property is not the same as that of the earlier writers, but, nevertheless I think that one commentator has missed a trick in his interpretation of it. After Erskine, I have to do a review of case law up to the 1820s, and the Morison's will come in for heavy use.

I will go to Forbidden Planet in Glasgow to see if they have Biomega 3 and The Dreaming vol. 2. Manga. I am all Japanese at the minute. Princess a la Mode radio, yee ha.

Miah is out. Yes, at 8.30am she is out. Two mousies last night. Both escaped.

It is cool outside, and still. Not much sun but nevertheless blue skies.

What for tea tonight? Po'k chops n' roast tatties. Yes.


Wee pastor

Post 2


Your GP gives appointments at 7am?! Wow! I wish ours did - it's always a problem trying to get to see them either before or after my working hours.

Wee pastor

Post 3


He reminds me of Pastor Jack Glass, except with a different Satan.


On a different topic, didn't you buy an e-reader a while ago? I was thinking of getting one for when I'm travelling.
If so,
What kind did you get?
Do you like it?
Do you still use it?
Is there a good selection of e-books available?


Wee pastor

Post 4


Jack G was the original Wee pastor, from the Malky McCormick Big Yin cartoon strip in the Daily Ranger, as in

Anent Dove, I have seen it written that an FBI visit and the promise of a full and thorough tax audit can be very persuasive indeed.

Re. readers - my Sony Reader is quite an antique these days and the technology has moved far on indeed. I don't use it much - books take a lot of beating. The new 'platforms' seem to have far greater 'functionality', and maybe Kindle or the i-Pad am the things to go for nowadays. I have never yet bought an e-book as there are plenty free out-of-copyright books available via Gutenberg and other sites. I like Munseys - it has loads of out of copyright pulps, and a wide range of download formats, e.g.,_The

I might be tempted to go for an i-Pad.

D'ye want a loan of a Sony Reader for a couple months? If so, something can be arranged.

Anyhow, back to the journal - what is it about this song:

I love it. It brings me out in tears of joy. I love the whole song, but when they start chanelling Yoko Ono it makes me shiver with delight.

The netbook is back. Fixed.


Wee pastor

Post 5


I think I'm turning Japanese, I realy think so..

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