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Post 1


We had Italian last night and did some people-watching on Union Street - the Saiturday night zoo. We went to Union Terrace Gardens and watched a non-event. We had a ver' nice pint in the Prince then taxi'd home.

Miah brought us a dead mousie.

We walked in to town thos morning to pick up the car, then did the shopping. We went to Comet and I bought a WiFI/FM/DAB/MP3 Roberts radio reduced to half price, so we now have an internat radio, and, it turns out, a ver' good one.

Pasta for tea. A Wallander. A pint of French lager.

I have been listening to today's Le Show on KCRW. Harry Shearer was commenting on the abysmal failure of the Timesw internet paywall.

Nice morning, bucketty afternoon.




Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Internet Radios are where it's at.

I got mine on Peet's recommendation and never looked back.



Post 3


I don't think M*rd*ch rates success on the number of people who view the website. If the number has dropped 1.2M from 2.8M then that implies there are still 1.6M people who are paying. This is an infinite % increase, given that it was free before.

Have you read this?

Deighton meets Lovecraft. Plus zombies!
The first 2 books in the series are also good but you don't have to read them first (although it's better that way).



Post 4


Thanks, I've heard of Stross but never read any of his stuff. I should be near a reasonably good bookshop on Saiturday and will look for his name.

Point taken re Murdoch, but in Le Show, Harry Shearer gave a number for the website subscribers and it was seventeen thousand and something.

The number of hits has gone down and the average visit time has gone down. From that it might be inferred that there are a number of people who have stopped using the site, full stop; there are a number of people who visit the site but leave it ASAP upon hitting the paywall: and there are a number of people who are visiting the site and spending a readonable period of time on it, i.e. news &c professionals who have to pay, and Kindle and I-pad users who have taken the subscription, and read the entire content online. The current subscription package looks OK but it could be a demme sight cheaper - I suspect that printing and distribution costs make aup a good proportion of the cost of your daily newspaper.

I am going to write to them BBC to ask them to remove the Times from their BBC news section newspaper links on the basis that it is a subscription website.

You should check out Le Show. Peet introduced me to it. It has a weekly podcast. Harry Shearer (the Spinal Tap guy) is very alglophile. His slow, halting, style us unlike any other radio presenter.


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