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The new freezer has arrived

Post 1


Susan is ver' busy at work.

Miah is in, but collar-less. There may have been a fight yesterday.

We watched the Zowie Bowie (now Duncan Jones) flick on DVD yesterday; Moon, ver'good.

A nondescript day. Cool, calm, dull, wanting only a light drizzle to be perfect.

I have to go out to pick up some anti-somethings for Susan. She got stung by a wasp on Sunday evening.

Wasps and beetles and big buzzy bluebottles.

The freezer was delivered four hours ahead of the promised delivery slot. Didn't bother me - I was in - but Susan was a bit peeved when I told her.

More stonings in Afghanistan.

I walked down to Uni yesterday and saw, just a wee bit up the road, a car that someone had tried to burn. In Tillydrone a yout with a big female mastiff-type dog came up to me and asked me how to spell daughter. In the Tillydrone council office I noted that there is a 1.6% charge for paying rent, council tax, whatever by credit card. Someone was trying to pay £450 to their Council Tax and was told that there would be a £7.20 charge, and the customer said OK, and then had her card rejected.

The freezer will need to sit for 4 hours before I can put it on. It looks OK.

Sausages for tea. With gratin and broccoli. And Corn.


The new freezer has arrived

Post 2


I now follow Mark Gatis, Sue Perkins and Giles Coren on Twitter.

I see that Mark Gatiss is to be in a four-part adaptation of The Crimson Petal and the White. So is Gillian Anderson. That could be ver' good.

That explains some of his recent messages.

I went out to get Susan's meds - apparently her forearm is all swollen up.

I will switch on the new freezer at 6.

Miah is out.

It has been raining.

I have been pricing archive storage boxes on the internet. I'll need them for the Morison's.

I have to be in Glasgow at the end of the week, and again the following Saturday.

One of the bairnies told me that the schools are back tomorrow.


The new freezer has arrived

Post 3


The new freezer has arrived

Post 4


I bought some from here, not cheep but sturdy boxes.,0,13663666215351968969&ei=ENZqTOjmIJahOI3_gI4J&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CC0QnwIwAQ

The new freezer has arrived

Post 5


Thanks awfully Bambi . Is this you outing yourself as an Aiberdonian?

My preference would be to get them from someone like Langstane, but it will probably have to be Staples on account of their opening hours and general accessibility.


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