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X Files

Post 1


Well, that's the X Files box finished (except for some bits and bobs and the usual worthless 'DVD extras'. In a year or so we will repeat the marathon. The earlier seasons were the best, and the greater the religulous content of the episodes the more duff they became.

Miah came in last night with muddy paws. I didn't notice this fact until after throwing her down on the white bedsheet.

I went in to town this morning for my usual Bruce Miller's breakfast and root-aboot. I paid £££s into the Susan Holiday fund and £££s into an ISA and bought a memory card for the Blackberry. I bought a copy of the Oliver Stone Nixon film at a charity shop. It is one of his three-hour jobs, with Anthony Hopkins Boyo as Nixon.

The next box set is going to be... drum roll... the Ian Carmichael Lord Peter Whimseys. That will hold is for about three weeks. I have been promised Six Feet Under and Twin Peaks. I like LPW very much. The TV series was, I seem to recall, preferable to the books because of Carmichael's portrayal. Sayers goes miles over the top in many of the books; in particular, Busman's Honeymoon is in many places ver' hard to read. Sayers fell in love with er detective. Christie never made that mistake.

Aha! we have Witness for the Prosecution on at the theatre next month. I wonder if Caius would like to go. Christie works ver' well on stage, on account, I suppose, of her being so stagey.

It is a bonny bright warm fresh calm day and the bairnies are out and I can hear birdsong and the skraaa-ing of scurries.

I find Craig ver' easy to read, though he is in his views evasive and obscure. Stair still challenges me tho' I am getting more adept. Perhaps Craig's clarity is down to Lord Clyde's C 20th translation. Perhaps Lord Clyde was a wee bit too free and easy. Best approach with care.

Miah is out playing. Ditto the bairnies. Sausages for tea.

Gilmour is a brilliant guitarist. Barratt was primitive. Both made wonderful noises. I can't play guitar - I well know that - but I could just about at a stretch play along to Syd.

If it is like this tomorrow I will try to drag Susan to the car boots at Thainstone.

I have work coming up this week in Dundee and Renfrew. I also have to go down to the Uni. And I have to get some more writing done. I will pay off the balance of the 2010-2011 council tax on Monday.

I am prety happy about this mooted airports strike. There is far too much going places being done. If you can't bus it or train it there then you shouldn't go. It is a source of no small pride that I managed over a period of thre eyears to resist very strong pressure indeed to visit Cambridge, and it looks like I am now home and dry on that front.


X Files

Post 2


Great shades of Valley Girl...


X Files

Post 3


Found on YouTube: <>

Her car is up for sale.


X Files

Post 4


I posted a link on your previous blog in re an article in yesterday's Grauniad on Syd and PF.

I think the distinguishing feature of (the later) PF was their parsimoniousness: every note counts. The 2005 G8 gig shows this to perfection.

When Roger McGuinn played at a London festival in the 70s he was supported by Gilmour, John Bonham and Steve Broughton. It was described in Sounds as the heaviest backing band ever.

I don't think you have mentioned Edgar Broughton in your tour d'horizon of 70's prog rock bands. I think they were one of the best. Saw them several times live, including a cracking gig at Glasgow Poly (now Something-Scottish University)


X Files

Post 5


Could you be thinking of Hyde Park 1974? That line-up backed Roy Harper. Roger McGuinn was also on the bill.

I have some Broughtons stuff but haven't listened to it much. The Broughtons track I know best is Old Gopher, which was on the Picnic compliation - a ver' good early 70s Harvest sampler.

I have a great affection for those old samplers, and have a dozen or so in my vinyl collection. Picnic, Bumpers, Good Enough to Eat, Fill Your Head WIth Rock, Charisma Disturbance, All Join In...


X Files

Post 6


That was in the days when LPs were seriously expensive. If you compare the cost to a pint of beer, an LP was about 20x in 1974 and about 5x now (depending on your pub and whether you buy from Amazon or HMV)

It was _Nice_ Enough to Eat. It's on the shelf in the living room.
Also the Harvest Bag and the Guitar Album.


X Files

Post 7


< It is a source of no small pride that I managed over a period of thre eyears to resist very strong pressure indeed to visit Cambridge, and it looks like I am now home and dry on that front.>

Your loss, Douglas! smiley - winkeye

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