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Very very fine but long-forgotten Scotch first-generation proggers giving it laldy. Note subtle product placement

Post 1


My that was a treat, but the singer didn't have too much to do it it so I suppose I should put up Light Cavalry too:

Beggar's Opera. Wotta band.

One of my all-time favourite LP sleeves:

Stair avoidance taking place, BTW. That's Lord Stair. Nothing is going to get written today - I need to buffer ahead a bit.

Sunny morning but it is now dulling down nicely. Miah is asleep. Susan is at work. I listened to a recent Michael Rother live show this morning - the guy from Neu and La Dussledorf - and it was enthralling; adreneline shivers and all. The classic Neu guitar sound and motorik beats from Stephen Shelley of Sonic Youth, Klaus Dinger havind died in 2008.

Two fairly poor Xs last night. Fag end stuff. The Lone Gunmen died and William Scully got adopted. Ho hum. A once-splendid show spiralling down the drain. Three more episodes to go Then what? A new box is needed, and this time I'll have to be careful to check that the contents aren't disfigured by religious intrusions, such as the ones that disfigured too many of the X Files, particularly in the later seasons.

Pasta n' salad for tea. I did pizza last night. It seems to have been tomato sauce variants all week to far and I have bolognese pencilled in for tomorrow.

It looks like they are going to murder that poor woman in Iran, and what's this arout some poor pregnant woman getting 200 lashes then shot three times in the head in Afghanistan earlier this week? Pleading the belly obviously never made it to Afghanistan. No cruelty spared.

Men are generally petty horrible to women. Particularly where they are labouring under ideology, particularly a religious one.

Product placement? The Vertigo swirl.

The guitarist isn't Syd. It's probably Gilmour. This is Syd.


Very very fine but long-forgotten Scotch first-generation proggers giving it laldy. Note subtle product placement

Post 2


I played this to offspring when he first started getting into serious rock music but he wasn't impressed. As a guitarist, he prefers later Floyd and has a better appreciation of Gilmour's ability than I have.

Never got into Beggar's Banquet for some reason. Big name Scottish bands I remember seeing are Nazareth, Stone the Crows (not very good) and of course, the Sensational Alex (many times). He was a musical genre of his own.


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Very very fine but long-forgotten Scotch first-generation proggers giving it laldy. Note subtle product placement

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