This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Up before 8 but no train to catch

Post 1


I sent Susan off to work with some roast pork sandwiches.

Miah was in, but wanted out.

It is a ver' bonny morning.

The Twilight film was OK last night. If I can find a cheapo copy of #2 I'll snag it and will then try to see III at the flicks.

That's the first load of washing about to start beeping.

My writing today will take in the Pandects and the COdex and will then have to bridge into Craig.

Lamb shanks for tea?


Up before 8 but no train to catch

Post 2


A cheque in the post. From the Council. Completely out of the blue. Queried. Apparently correct, tho' I can't see how. It should help to clear the council tax for 2010.

Caius may be up tomorrow.

Today is, it seems, an Aiberdeen local holiday.

I have all of the windows open and have put up the sun-screen in the back room office.

My niece graduated BA at RSAMD last week. She is currently in Rome.


Up before 8 but no train to catch

Post 3


I have been listening to So Many Roads, a 3CD live set by Neal Morse. Morse was formerly in Spock's Beard and still plays with Transatlantic. He is a singer and plays guitar and keyboards. He is a progger. Hew left Spock's Beard to pursue a new direction in crix rock. His influences seem to be Lamb-era Genesis plus the usual prog stew - I heard Gentle Giant reflected in one track - plus general American rootsiness. For all of his crixx I do rather like Morse's music - I have five of his albums, and I knew what I was getting when I bought it; it wasn't a case of finding the half-maggot in the apple after having taken a big bite out of it, which was the case with the recent X Files Season 7 scenario. It's actually quite easy to screen out the crixx from Prog - proggers have had to become adept in screening out elves and wizards and all sorts of lyrical abominations; Jon Anderson has a lot to answer for, but in this case early exposure to Olias of Sunhillow has left me with a healthy immunity to the worst that Neal Morse can throw at me and the music and playing really is tather splendid. Of course, what works with prog doesn't necessarily work with other musical styles.

Actually, Jon Anderson gave me one of my all-time favourite misheard lyrics - 'As you throw away misconceptions' from Going For the One came across to me as 'shoot the holy misconception.'

'scuse me while I kiss this guy.


Up before 8 but no train to catch

Post 4


Doyo mean kiss this guy..

Up before 8 but no train to catch

Post 5


Noel would be the one to kiss because he really suffered in the shadow of Jimi. Mitch held up his end splendidly and still has a lot of respect (he is the drummer that Jimi returned to after the Band of Gypsys), but not Noel.

I have some Noel Redding post-Experience albums. He was in a band called Fat Matress. They weren't bad - at least every bit as good as 1,000 other late-60s post Flower Power combos.

Hello Bambi, by the way. We haven't been introduced. I have been keeping a mostly daily journal here since 2004ish. Are you another Mustardland refugee (ML = the BBC Archers Message Boards?)


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