This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

A worthwhile enterprise on YouTube

Post 1


Dundee went well yesterday. A two-day job done in one, with both days getting paid. Susan and I had pizza in town when I got back to town.

It is the Graduations at AU this week.

We got a dead mousie last night. Miah shucked her collar on Saturday and we had to buy four new ones on Sunday, one of which she managed to lose within 12 hours.

I have had my cawffee and toast and marmalade. Frank Cooper's. Good stuff.

The jams and marmalades you get in little plastic pockets in hotels and cafes are the most awful sickly sweet chemi-brews. I like marmalade, but - ugh - those little pustules of Chivers... I only started eating jam during my LLM year. I kept a bottle in my desk drawer and had it on pancakes with my breakfast cawffee at the Uni. I do not eat jam with bread or on toast, or on crumpets. It has to go on scones or pancakes or, sometimes, muffins, or with croissants. Oh! and on rowies, of course.

I see that the CoE are crixxifying yon poor Jeffrey Wossname guy again. This'll be his, what?, third time... It's like the demme Phillippines in April.

I thought the £££s job I started in 2003 would be a here today gone tomnorrow thing, but it has lasted, far far longer than I could ever have imagined, so that I have come to regard it as being a king of indefinitely temporary short-term permanent thing. How much longer can it go on, though?

Sherlock Holmes:

... As they turned to the car Holmes pointed back to the moonlit sea and shook a thoughtful head."There's an East wind coming, Watson." "I think not, Holmes. It is very warm." "Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There's an East wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it's god's own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared..."

Someone on the train yesterday said of the Independent that its blandness was inevitable given its core principle of political independence - polemic is the spice that gives flavour to a newspaper. The Independent is like a sorbet between courses or "the house white in an Indian resturant"...

I regularly read one of the Times, the Guardian , the Telegraph and the Independent. I need to be in a particular humour to pick up the Independent, though.


A worthwhile enterprise on YouTube

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I do not eat anything with butteries. I like them on their own. In fact the idea of putting anything on a buttery makes me feel slightly anxious.

I like the crispy ones best. Not too keen on the flabby soft ones.

A worthwhile enterprise on YouTube

Post 3


Surely Sherlock should shay,

"...But it's God's own..."

A worthwhile enterprise on YouTube

Post 4


No, I corrected that wee typo at proofing stage. I'm pretty sure Sherlock was an atheist, and Watson is an unreliable narrator.

Ver' well spotted, by the way.



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