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It's Thanksgiving

Post 1


The thanks being due to one certain Mr Paine.

Last night's Doctah turned out far better than I had been expecting it to be. OK, Smith maybe isn't that bad after all. Between Amy and Amelia Pond my vote goes to the latter. I do rather like Rory. Ameila is a wee gem. I could easily watch her in other things. I hope her brush with fame doesn't spoil her.

Mousie last night, which I had to dispatch. Miah deposited it at the top of the stairs then went and sat at the bottom, daring me to try to spirit it away...

It is a driech tho' clammy morning. We have just had bacon n' toms n' mussies for breakfast. Shopping will have to get done and there is a street market in town.

Miah has lost another collar.


It's Thanksgiving

Post 2


There was a Doctah last night? Where? Are you living in a parallel universe, Douglas?

And I'm afraid I still haven't warmed to the new Dr at all. Still looks like a 12 year-old geek to me. The only reason I carried on watching was for Amy/Amelia and I don't think I'll bother with the next series.

It's Thanksgiving

Post 3


Hiya Annie. We watched it in a download format - it had been hanging around on the PC for a week...

Smith is a good comedy performer - he has a music hall face; ideal for the back stalls. He would have been a good silent clown or variety turn.

Amy was starting to annoy me, but Amelia was a gem. Donna Noble remains my favourite companion.

Hope you're getting some summer to enjoy.


It's Thanksgiving

Post 4


Hi again. Ah, that explains it - thanks, I was beginning to think the heat had got to me, or that I'd been given a specially doctored (pun intended) edition of the Radio Times.

It has been very hot here all week; we were promised showers on Friday, but none materialised, which was a pity as the gardens are bone dry. We had Open Days on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so by Friday evening I had pretty much had enough of being nice to prospective applicants and their parents.

Will now write it up in my journal, rather than monopolising yours!

It's Thanksgiving

Post 5


Of course Douglas lives in a parallel universe!
Haven't you worked that out yet?

E.g. when he goes to Embra it's scorching hot. Anytime I've been there it's been cold and windy.

I thought the end of the DH series was brilliant. One of Moffat's classic time loop stories. And River Song is becoming a great character (minor claim to fame - former neighbour was best friends with Alex Kingston's little sister)

PJ wasn't joking about the bees.
We got rid of most of the swarm last night, but there are still a few buzzing about.


It's Thanksgiving

Post 6


Bees are better than wasps, you have to pay to get rid of wasps. D'ye want we should box box up some mousies for you, to bring variety to your infestations. Miah enjoys a sense of purpose.


It's Thanksgiving

Post 7


No thanks!!
We have been mouse-free for a couple of years since I went round the kitchen squirting expanding foam stuff into all the little holes and cracks.

Apart from the bees, the main wildlife problem is the rabbits digging up the lawn. A neighbour has taken it upon herself, as an act of 'kindness', to feed the local foxes. So the rabbits are breeding like ... a very fast breeding thing.


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