This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

I wonder if this link will take me to the right message

Post 1

DruglessBrain Message 93. Anyway, I just wanted to say absolutely spot-on. Couldn't agree more. Bonny morning. Miah is still out (since 10-ish last night). We watched The Oxford Murders, starring Frodo and Caligula, last night. Hokum. Visually arrresting but hammily written, for the continental market I rather suspect (the crew all seemed to be French or Spanish, the police detective was, basically, one of the Thompson twins, one of the Brit actors - Guppy from Bleak House - seemed to be lip-synching, they had the weird-faced guy from the Jeunet & Caro flicks &c &c). The Hermann Estate could easily sue the soundtrack composer. Frodo has only one look - nervous puppy - which comes with two microvariants: (i) slightly happy, and (ii) just been kicked. One unequivocally good thing - Alex Cox as a self-lobotomised cancer-riddled numbers-obsessed double amputee (playing, therefore, against type). I am a big Alex Cox fan, even tho' I haven't seen too many of his films... it's the guy himself - he is an engaging and articulate curator; basically he is to film what Julian Cope iot to psych. Moviedrome. That' was Cox's great contribution to culture. Law reading, law writing. Burgers for tea unless I decide to do something else with the mince. The washing machine is on. I think we'll have the Michael Caine/Jude Law Sleuth tonight. Here's a wee article by Alex re. his experiences on the set of TOM - Douglas

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Post 2

petal jam

Aw Douglas, I'm touched. See that no-one has replied to it - not even the procedural point about personal interaction with the divine in non-Christian faiths.

Just to be clear though, there is currently no place for Zombies in my Cosmology.

I wonder if this link will take me to the right message

Post 3


Well, there goes my plans for a surprise Halloween party.


I wonder if this link will take me to the right message

Post 4


You'll note though, she doesn't rule out Cthulhu...

A six foot blind penguin-themed halloween party? Sounds good to me, and nicely close to mushroom season.


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I wonder if this link will take me to the right message

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