This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

We seem to have no water

Post 1


I haven't had my cawffee. This, lest there be any doubt, is a bad thing.

The Glenrothies job went wekk yesterday and I got baco to Aiberdeen at a reasonable time.

I found a 1982 NEL hardback of Harold Robbins The Carpetbaggers in a Glenrothes charity shop. Also a live boot of Traviata with Frenn from '67.

Susan and I had pizza in town.

Miah was out when I got home and didn't reappear til' five this morning. She didn't know that I was back and therefore there was no mousie present for me...

Yesterday and the day before were scorchio, but today is dull. It may get better, as, indeed, may MY day, once I've had my cawffee...

Re. the budget - as Mao allegedly said about the consequences of the French Revolution, it's far too early to tell. Everyone knew or should have known before the election that WHOEVER got in, great horrors were to follow, and everyone knew or should have known that all politician denials of this were lies. But now it has come around, and the lies suddenly seem - are? - comforting, still viable, truths, that can be attain'd if we all believe hard enough. The Micawber formulae, just a fiction in a book - of course you can have expenditure that exceeds your income and still have happiness, and why aren't the government making it happen?

Looking back over the reporting of the emergency budget and then thinking ahead it is clear that awful things lie await for us. The contract I get work on has to be vulnerable, and the Universities will probably take a hit. I'll be lucky if I live to be 65, meaning that my corpse may have to work for five more years...


We seem to have no water

Post 2


Water back on. Cawffee been had. Worms in fridge.


We seem to have no water

Post 3


I thought it was supposed to have been Chou En-Lai (or Zhou as he now appears to be known)?

However, other sources support Mao as the source.

Nice use of colloquial Scots in today's Grauniad

See second last paragraph, although I've usually seen it spelt "broo". And not a hint of translation for English readers.


We seem to have no water

Post 4


Yes, it should be Broo. The derivation is from bureau, as in Employment Bureau.


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