This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 1


Let's see - influences: The Shining, Death Ship, Momento, Owl Creek Bridge (and via that Carnival of the Souls), some X Files episodes, Greek mythology... Smith isn't shy about wearing his influences on his sleeve. Definitely NOT a horror film; more a puzzle movie with blood. A splendid wee flick from the director of Creep. Cerebral, engaging, fascinating... even Susan was compel'd to watch it. Smith's new film - Black Death - is in the cinemas and I will be checking it our PDQ.

I may try to persuade my niece to come with me. She is in Aiberdeen doing work on a theatre production and I have arranged to meet her for cawffee on Thursday morning. We are going to go to a place called Tinderbox at the Union Square abomination. One of my tutes works there and I promised to come along to patronise him. He thinks that by 'patronise' I mean 'buy cawffee from' but the meaning I have in mind involves snapping my fingers and shouting 'garcon'...

Depending upon how much time she has, I might try to drag her to Nandos for lunch too... I really should try the place some time.

Och, castles in the sky. She'll probably be needed in the theatre for the back of 11. I am ver' proud of my niece. She will be graduating RSAMD this summer. Far better that than some appycray BA(Hons) or LLB.

To maintain some sore of cosmic balance I will have to sacrifice my Saiturday cawffee this week to offset the Thursday cawffee. uggerBay.

Dull day.

Miah is out. No mousies last night.

We watched the Dr Who Confidential last night. Yon Corden guy strikes me as being a not very nice person. His g/f in the eppy was one of the gold-digger sisters in the 2008 Sense & Sensibility

Bolognese for tea. Or burgers. Or mince n' veg. It's all mince. I could even try strak tartare. No I won't.

I am listening to Donizetti. Lucrezia Borgia.

Trento Project work today.

I have three books on the go at the minute. The Crimson Petal..., Heller's Good as Gold, and a 70s Ed McBain, Guns.

I would far sooner read novels than law.

That last sentence could have been written by pretty much any Scots Law student from the mid 1700s onwards. Michty, I am part of a continuum of history! With mince. But nae mice.


Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 2


I just realised something - David Lynch's Inland Empire is a BIG unspoken influence on Triangle...

Must watch again.

Must do some work.

Leisure v Work.



PS. That's 'What Would Homer Do?' - a tip; If ever you are faced with a difficult choice, a dilemma, a moral problem... It can generally be resolved by asking oneself WWHD? and acting accordingly.

Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh is there a Nando's now in Aberdeen? Where is it?

Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 4


In Union Square; the big new shopping centre next to the railway station, as in attached to it. The cawffee shop and the cinema are also in the centre so it'd be a not much walking about-type outing if the niece can be persuaded.


Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 5


James Corden and Patrick Stewart clash.

Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 6


Thank you. I had heard of this. It reflects great glory upon neither of them but it seems to me that Sir Patrick was stupid to start it off, if, indeed, that it how it happened.

Sir P S was in some Star Trek thing. I don't watch Star Trek or any of the spin-offs, but I did see him in Hamlet and he made a demme fine Claudius. The youtube clip has lowered him in my estimation, but has left Corden in exactly the same position as it was when I saw him on DWC last night. His character, in the Dr Who eppy, was ver' good, so there you go - never confuse the person with the part.


Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 7


Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I read (in ML) that the YouTube clip has been edited, and that in fact Corden deserved some form of upbraiding from Stewart.

Union Square is terra incognita for me.

Could murder a Nando's though.

If you go, have:

Livers Extra Hot
Pita Extra Hot

(without cheese or pineapple)

They have dumbed down the peri-peri heat so much since South African Nandos of the mid 90s, that you have to have Extra Hot in order to get any discernible peri peri flavour, IMO/E.

smiley - burger
smiley - ok

Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 9


I have just encountered a truly scary variant on WWHD. WWLD: What Would Lemmy Do? Imagine living by that yardstick?


Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 10


Hoy hoy, what about this...


Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Who is Lemmy?

Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 12


The guy with the face and the bass:

The answer to WWLD would probably, in any moral dilemma, be; have a drink, have a fag, thrash the hits out of a Rickenbacker bass.

But that presumption is based upon an image of Lemmy - one that he probably very carefully cultivates. He is a man of no small intelligence and discrimination; articulate and opinionated - it's just that he has the reputation for hedonistic Jack Daniels and amphetemines indulgence. He fronts Motorhead. He used to be in Hawkwind.

Lemmy Caution was the hardboiled private dick anti-hero in Goddard's Alphaville. He is a different Lemmy, and his WWLD would probably be have a drink, have a fag, thrash the hits out of some dodgy-looking passer-by.


Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 13


Waaaaaaghhh wanna seeit wanna seeit...

Douglas (Big Columbo Fan)

Triangle (2009), dir. Christopher Smith

Post 14


< His g/f in the eppy was one of the gold-digger sisters in the 2008 Sense & Sensibility >

Ah, that's it! I knew I recognised her from somewhere ...

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