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Well, that's me back from East Renfrewshire, wherein 50% of the jewish population in Scotland reside

Post 1



A week away from home.

Miah behaved herself perfectly while I was away from home this week. I got home this afternoon . I patted her on the head and made a fuss over her, and let her out. Within a half-hour she had brought back a live mousie for me, in bonny bricht sunshine. A highly indignant mousie, I must add.

G'wan Nick and Gordo, get into bed with each other. Britain needs it of you...

I have to go in to town tomorrow to buy tickets for HMS Pinafore, andf to pay some guy a couple hundred poonds to transport Susan to Budapest in October... enough said.

I have a machine full of washing going clunk clunk clunk.

I got modded by the Beeb for posting this in Dagesh' space last night:

"< I think we should adopt the Australian model and make it compulsory to vote with a box saying "None of the above". It's scandalous that we have so many people not voting.>

"Respect and all Dagesh but I have to disagree. This is exactly the same mindset that gave us the smoaking ban which, in retrospect, even I, a non-smoker, have to accept was a ver' ver' unfair thing, or at the very least a nuclear option deployed well before other remedies had been exhausted. There was an opinion piece in one of the papers I read this week that said that statute law were too important a thing to be turned into a de facto 'social policy isshoo of the minute' post-it note and I heartily agree - there is too much demme law, the powers that be have gone law mad and we are drowning in the stuff... and yet, you seem to want more? - compulsory participation in an elective process (sorry, bad pun). No no no.

"I can think of nothing more likely to turn me into a criminal than the compulsion on pain of law to vote. Cut back on the Asparteme for a wee while min - compulsory voting surely comes straight from NWO Central and your antennae are clearly failing you if you're actually ADVOCATING it. David Icke weeps for you.

"Meanwhile, I am currently in Girvan, one steak and several pints into the evening, with The Billion Dollar Brain queued up for entertainment. Back to Aberdeen tomorrow. I have not voted - because I didn't realise that I was away from Aberdeen until it was too late to fix up a postal ballot..."

He got modded for his reply. Absurd, on both counts.

I have bodged some faux tarte fleurette for tea.

This is the tip of a whole great big iceberg of madness that I have been monitoring for the last month. Monitoring as in going to Bedlam circa 1620 to laugh at the mad people. I post it here as an aide memoire...


Well, that's me back from East Renfrewshire, wherein 50% of the jewish population in Scotland reside

Post 2


The next coupla years have got to be bloudy if we aren't to end is in the same position as Greece &c. I think we should move ahead as a nation on the basis of correct information, public involvement and consultation, and consensus of all three major parties. Mervin King said something to the effect that any government doing what was necessary at this point in history would make itself unelectable for a generation, but if the parties proceed by consensus such short-term considerations can be o'ercome.


Well, that's me back from East Renfrewshire, wherein 50% of the jewish population in Scotland reside

Post 3


Names are named - about 7 minutes into video.

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Well, that's me back from East Renfrewshire, wherein 50% of the jewish population in Scotland reside

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