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Dreary. Suits me

Post 1


It's damp outside but not cold, and quite calm. Good weather for writing.

I went down to the Uni yesterday. I shifter a big boxload of books back home - a 16 volume Green's Encyclopedia.

Susan and I went in to town. We bought tickets for the Student Show at HMT. We are Italian then came home and watched 2 X Files.

I have just filleted the bookshelves, and have some boxes for Oxfam.

A neighbour is blasting out music - metal, 80s, something with a polka beat...

One of the Profs at the Uni loaned me a a volume - Volume 18 - from his Morison's Dictionary. 210 years old. Crumbling pages. Mouldering leather - Just like a copy of the Necrinomicon, borrowed from the library at the Miskatonic University, Salem, Mass. I'd best watch out lets I conjure up a Mondboddo, or a Braxfield.

I actually managed top exchange greetings with quite a faw of the law acads yesterday, doubtless quashing rumours of my death or emigration.

I bought a bodum travel brew mug and some loose Rose Souchong. It works.

Neither Susan nor I have ever been to a student show before.

Cauli cheese for tea.


Dreary. Suits me

Post 2


"We are Italian"
Amazing. I had always presumed you were Scottish?

Note that student shows are only funny to students or those who have recently been students. I know you fall into the latter category but beware. If you laugh when everyone else does, you might get away with it.
Re: DH. Drink may have been taken. I stopped watching the Doctor after Peter Davison took over. Mostly because I was out of the country. So I never saw the Sylveste McCoy episodes to which you have compared recent episodes. I still like it. The short skirt or nightdress helps as well.

Ash sweeping tomorrow.


Dreary. Suits me

Post 3


Desperate Fishwives - or, more correctly, Flying Pig Productions - grew out of the Aiberdeen student shows of the mid-90s. They arer all solicitors and accountants and teachers and law lecturers now. Susan and me are big fans. They have had quite a few shows now, including two runs at HMT, and they have had two seasons on BBC Radio. Their TV pilot is in the can. Here is one of their sketches:

Re. ahs sweeping - I dinna see why I should treat it any different to the snaa; let the rain sort it oot.


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