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Terra incog

Post 1


I don't think I ever saw any of the Series 6 et seq X Files; in fact, I don't even remember the end of Series 5. Basically, I may well regularly watch and enjoy a TV show but that doesn't mean I have to go on watching it, and I think that is what happened with the X Files first time around. The same has happened with Life, True Blood, CSI &c &c - they,re good, I enjoy them, then... I lose interest. Maybe that's not so bad a thing - I would hate to be quite so addicted to the telly as, for example, Peet. Mind you, that's not fair - Peet isn't really up to books any more on account of eyesight issues and getting out and about isn't easy for him. I, on the other hand, can get out, and generally always have 3 or 4 books on the go.

I went in to town today. I had breakfast - a ver' nice apple and cinnamon scone ('I want to live with a Cinnamon Scone, I could be happy the rest of my life with a Cinnamon Scone') and cawffee - at Bruce Millers, then did the charity shops &c. I picked up some Anthony Phillips CDs second-hand and bought some wine and two pizza trays. Pizza for tea. Then an X Files. Then, BBC-i permitting, tonight's Doctah.

I listened to an RL Burnside CD last night. Dirty in-yer-face primitive blooze.

It is a bonny day outside. Hot in the sun, but cool enough for walking.


Terra incog

Post 2


smiley - smiley

Terra incog

Post 3


Hmmmm... that's a good version. I amn't much of a Shakey fan but do allow that he has his moments.



Terra incog

Post 4


The bairnies is playin' ootside. They are all lil' girlies - there is clearly a 'something in the drinking water' issue in this cul-de-sac as there are no boy children, only girls. Our downstates neighbour (M) hasn't worked this out yet - daughter number 4 appeared last week... all splendid gals and all loved, but a future bankrupcy or three for the guy some 20 or so years down the line when weddings have to paid for.

Anyhow, 'playing' is comprised of bouncing on a trampoline, running around and shouting a lit. Also, putting on telent shows. The older girlies practice girl group dance moves to BOOM BOOM BOOM music which makes Susan and I feel under siege and everyone sits on chairs watching performances with comments and marks and rounds of applause &c &c.

I'll have to cut that grass tomorrow.


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